CausalKG: causal knowledge graph for autonomous driving. Develop a causal knowledge graph for better scene understanding, and reasoning based on counterfactual and observational data.
Robert Bosch, Pittsburg
May 2021-August 2021.
"Research Network Analysis of Computer Science Researchers in India" using DBLP Database and network analysis platforms like ForCoa and ArnetMiner.
Delhi, India
May 2014-July 2014.
"Cuckoo Search",extensively read about the varied aspects of the mentioned Swarm Algorithm, it's use in different facet of technology.
Delhi, India
December 2013.
"Swarm Intelligence a Computational Paradigm", creating a new taxonomy for the Swarm Intelligence system.
Delhi, India
May 2013-July 2013
Graduate Research Assistant
University of South Carolina
August 2019-Present.
Graduate Research Assistant
Kno.e.sis, Wright State University
January 2016-July 2019.
Tech Trainee
Bangalore, India
August 2015-November 2015.