
  1. AnitaB Grace Hopper Celebration Scholar 2020
  2. CRA-WP Grad Cohort Scholarship 2020
  3. Tri-state conference for Women in Computing (TriWic) 2018
    Fellowship recipient of Tri-state conference for Women in Computing (TriWic) 2017 , Cincinnati, Ohio, February, 2018.
  4. SMARTCOMP 2017
    Student travel fellowship recipient for attending Ph.D. Forum SMARTCOMP 2017 , Hong Kong, May 4-7, 2017.
  5. Ohio Conference for Women in Computing (OCWIC) 2017
    Fellowship recipient of Ohio Conference for Women in Computing (OCWIC), February 2017 .
  6. ICHI 2016
    Student travel fellowship recipient of ICHI 2016 , Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 4-7, 2016.


  1. Session Chair

    The Web Conference 2020,“Health on the Web” track

  2. Research Roundtable Discussion ML4H 2021

    Causality and inductive bias for stability, robustness, and generalization & Detecting failure modes of machine learning systems Description: As machine learning models start to be more widely used in clinical practice, their robustness and reliability become critical. However, it is widely known that such models can be brittle and significantly underperform when deployed in environments with distribution shifts from the training datasets. The research roundtable explored ways of determining when models may fail to generalize in practice and highlight how principles from causality can be used to improve the reliability of such machine learning models in the healthcare setting.
    Senior chairs: Adarsh Subbaswamy, Wojciech Samek, Federico Cabitza, Lukas Ruff
    Junior chairs: Utkarshani Jaimini,Kaushik Manjunatha, Golam Rasul

Program Committee



  1. Delivered a talk on "Wisdom Application in Swarm: A Wis-Swarm Approach" in SRM University, Ghaziabad, in the Faculty Development Program and three days workshop program June 2014.